#111 ~ The Lost Diary of Don Juan

October 21, 2008 at 8:03 am | Posted in Books, Historical Fiction, Reading | 14 Comments
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Today I am honored to host Douglas Carlton Abrams on his Pump Up Your Book Promotion blog tour.  Many thanks to the author and to Dorothy for inviting me to take part in this tour.

The Lost Diary of Don Juan by Douglas Carlton Abrams

The Inquisition is has definitely been at the forefront of my reading recently.  I stopped reading Melmoth the Wanderer when it was gearing up for the the Inquisition.  Immortal also focused on the topic as well.  The Lost Diary of Don Juan, which takes place in Spain in 1593, tells the story of Don Juan from the legend’s own standpoint.  His lifestyle and his initiation into passion made him a target of the powerful forces of the Inquisition in Seville.  This novel is by far the most enjoyable and satisfying of the books I’ve read dealing with this dark period of human history.

Don Juan is a legend that goes back to 1630.  He has been portrayed anywhere between a villain and a savior.  In Abrams’ novel, Don Juan sees himself as he writes in the diary he was given by the Marquis who took him under his wing and made him the man he was to become.  He sees himself as a man who gives lonely women the attention they need to know and understand their inner worth.  He enjoys his life and takes satisfaction in what he does for these woman, but he has no plans for marriage, even at the command of the King.  Because the women he seduces are generally overlooked wives or closely guarded virgins, Don Juan’s vocation often puts him in harm’s way, but it isn’t until he discovers that there is a woman who can save him that he is truly in danger.

Abrams wrote a delicious, swashbuckling, and sensual novel.  It contained just the right combination of levity and seriousness.  The tone kept the book from getting heavy.  Likewise, there was enough action to balance out Don Juan’s numerous libertine adventures.  As a result, Spain and Don Juan come to life in the pages and make this novel a most delightful read.


To buy this novel, click here.


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  1. Excellent review! I’ve seen this one mentioned here and there, and I wasn’t sure it was something I was interested in. Given your review, I think I might have to have it!
    Estella, thank you for your comments! I really think you would enjoy this one.

  2. I’ve never been too interested in this book, but your review just made me add it to my wish list. Swashbuckling and sensual – who can resist that!
    There may be many happy husbands, boyfriends, and – why not? – strangers after people read this book. 😉 It may just bring out the libertine in us all.

  3. Thank you so much for the great review, Jennifer! And for being a perfect tour host!
    Thank you for the opportunity, Dorothy!

  4. I loved this book. Here’s my review:


    I will add a link to yours.
    Your review is great, Serena! Thanks for adding my link to yours. I need to start doing the same thing.

  5. Sounds excellent! On to my TBR pile (mountain) it goes.
    Katherine, I really like you’ll like this one. It’s easy to read and simply fun.

  6. Hi Jennifer, so glad you liked the book! I work with Doug and am following his blog tour to see what people are saying. “Swashbuckling and sensual” — it doesn’t get much better than that! Many thanks.
    Thank you so much for stopping by. As you can tell, I really enjoyed the book. Please tell Doug that I say thanks for the fun.

  7. This is great review Jennifer! Until recently, I have shied away from any account, fictional or biographical, of Don Juan because of the libertine nature of his adventures. But I’ll give this one a go.

  8. I have this book on my TBR list to read at some point in time. Thanks for posting about it.

  9. This sounds like a great read, it reminds me of the film ‘Don Juan Demarco’ the one with Johnny Depp.
    I hosted a blog tour this week too 🙂

  10. Great review! I’ll be posting mine sometime in the next few days!

  11. Jennifer, what a gorgeous review! Talk about mojo! Yours, that is, in relation to reviewing. Not Don Juan’s hehe.

    I absolutely agree about this book. It is a delightful read.

  12. I agree! Nice review!

    I’m on the tour, as well. I’m posting on the 30th… although my post has been done for weeks!

    I really liked this book!


  13. […] Reviews: Literarily, Savvy Verse & Wit, Bookish Ruth, The Bluestocking Society, The Literate Housewife Review, Kathleen’s Book Reviews Did I miss your review? Leave a comment with the link and I’ll […]

  14. The narrative will leave you breathless. It has amazing fights, frantic escapes, a fantastic bullfight, the horrific torture by the Spanish Inquisition and very steamy love scenes.

    It is full of fast paced action and excitement and I couldn’t put it down! The characters are very broad… from charming and endearing to pure evil. I was rooting for Don Juan as he grew from his experiences.

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