Oh, To Be In Albany

June 8, 2007 at 2:37 pm | Posted in Books, Global Finance, Historical Novel Society, LIfe | Leave a comment

This weekend, the Historical Novel Society is holding its second conference in the North America.  As I did not discover know that this organization even existed until yesterday, I unfortunately will not be attending.  This year I’ll just have to send my thoughts to Albany.  Maybe next time…

BTW, HNS is a British-based organization, so membership fees are quoted in pounds.  When I found out how North American membership fee translated into US dollars, I about fell out of my chair.  What in the world is going on with the dollar?  It takes almost two dollars to equal one pound.  That’s terrible!  Had it been more equal, I could afford a membership right now.  As it stands, I’ll have to budget for it next year.  Does anyone have some cheese to go with my whine? 😉

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