War Through the Generations Reading Challenge

December 1, 2008 at 8:43 pm | Posted in Books | 10 Comments
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I cannot tell you how excited I was to read Serena’s post at Savvy Verse and Wit this evening about the new reading challenge she is co-hosting with Anna (Diary of an Eccentric): War Through the Generations. I’ve been in a blogging funk recently since I’ve sat myself down and forced a schedule to complete my current ARCs by the end of January. That hasn’t changed, but just reading about this challenge reminds me of just why I’m disciplining myself for the next two months – to have the freedom to join reading challenges! What a breath of fresh air!

Their first challenge deals with WWII.  To participate in this challenge, you need to pledge to read at least 5 books written about WWII.  Because I don’t want to jump from the frying pan into the fire, I’m pledging to read 6 WWII related books next year – or one every other month.  On the off months, I’m planning to highlight a book about WWII that I’ve already read.

One of the books I’m going to read is The Diary of Anne Frank.  I’ve never read it before (which I find somewhat unbelievable – how did that happen?).  I’m also going to read Atonement and the Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet.  I don’t know what I’ll do with the other three, but I live less than 25 minutes from the National D-Day Memorial in Bedford, VA.  I’ll make a trip there to see if I can’t find some inspiration.  It will be interesting to see how these books come together.

This is going to be exciting, and I hope that you will join us!


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  1. I’m so glad to hear you’re joining the challenge, and I’m sure Serena will be, too! I’m looking forward to your reviews! I plan on reading as many WWII books as I can fit it. The Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet is one I’d like to read.

    We don’t live too far from the Holocaust museum in D.C., and I hope we get a chance to visit it at some point during the challenge!
    I’ve been to the national Holocaust museum and it was a very powerful experience. If this becomes a planned event, maybe I can meet you there. As I discovered when I went up for the day to the National Book Festival, it’s not that bad of a day trip.

  2. Do you have to read novels? Because if you’re interested, I have this book:

    It’s absolutely heartbreaking, but a beautiful book. If you’d like to read it for your challenge, I’d be more than happy to send it to you. Just let me know.
    They don’t have to be novels at all. I would really be interested in that book. I’ll send you my mailing information in an email. Thank you so much for the offer!

  3. I am so excited that you are joining the challenge and that you are pledging to read 6 books. I bet you’ll read more…it can be addicting.
    I’m really happy to join you guys. I’m sure that you’re right about these books being addicting, too. 🙂 I know for a fact that it won’t be hard for me to find two more books.

  4. I am SO excited about this challenge!

    I really want to read Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet too. Great suggestion, Jennifer!
    I’m really glad that you’re joining!!!! I won my copy of the novel from Marcia’s contest at The Printed Page. This will give me the perfect opportunity to read it. Maybe it’s in your spreadsheet somewhere, too. 😉 If not, I’ll send you my copy after I’m finished if you don’t mind sending it back. The author signed it.

  5. OH, I am sooo tempted by this challenge!

  6. Ooo Atonement is on my list of books to read.

  7. I just found out about this challenge and I am really excited. I love reading about history. I already have 20 books about WWII on my TBR list so it should be easy for me to pick a handful out to read this year.

  8. I’m joining in too Jennifer. I’m really excited about this one too which reminds me I need to get my post done up.

  9. Hiya! I have seen your library on LT 🙂
    And I thought it is high time I visit your blog 🙂
    It is lovely!

    And Yes Yes! I have also joined this challenge, and Atonement is in my list too 🙂

  10. I have read a LOT of war books this year. My favorite was “The March”, most were WWII. I might do this one, if the books I have read in the last six months count towards it.

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