#41 ~ The Monsters of Templeton

October 16, 2007 at 12:49 am | Posted in Amazing Narrator, Barnes & Noble, Books, Childhood Memories, Culture, Exercise, First Look Book Club, Free, Gothic Fiction, LIfe, Margaret Mitchell, My Life with Books, Parenting Dilemmas, Pre-Release Sneak Peak, Reading, Religion, Secrets and Lies, The Monsters of Templeton | 13 Comments
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The Monsters of Templeton by Lauren Groff

There is something spectacular about a book whose first line lures you into its spell like a siphon and never lets you go. In my 36 years of reading, there has only been two books whose first lines I’ve memorized and cannot forget:

“Call me Ishmael.” ~ Moby Dick (who hasn’t had that beaten into their skulls with an ice pick?)

Scarlett O’Hara was not beautiful, but men seldom realized it when caught by her charm as the Tarleton twins were.” ~ Gone with the Wind

With that line, I fell in love with Scarlett and couldn’t wait to find out just what it was about her that had men panting like exercised puppies. There was no way I could not read the book after just that first sentence – and I never thought to. With the noted exception of Moby Dick, I’ve found that a compelling first sentence isn’t a fluke. It’s a sign of a gifted author and a book worthy of reading.

The fact of the matter is that most books I’ve read and even those I’ve enjoyed immensely begin forgettably. This is the 41st book I’ve read this year and prior to picking up this book, not a single first sentence has struck me this year – and I’ve read some great novels. So, when I read, re-read, and then could not stop thinking about:

“The day I returned to Templeton steeped in disgrace, the fifty-foot corpse of a monster surfaced in Lake Glimmerglass.”

I knew that this would be a book I would love. I finished this book as satisfied as I was with the first sentence. This is a novel that I will keep forever and re-read several times.

The Monsters of Templeton is the story of Willie Sunshine Upton, a young graduate student who unexpectedly returns to her ancestral home “steeped in disgrace” just as her home town is overcome with media upon the discovery of an as-of-yet undiscovered mammalian creature. The existence – or actually previous existence – of the monster gives this novel a Gothic feel. This along with the mystery of Willie’s famous family prove to work together well.

Willie returned to her mother, Vi, in hopes of finding a safe place to lick her wounds before facing the responsibilities and consequences of the choices she’d recently made. Vi, a single mother and former hippy, refuses to let her daughter settle, even if it is into shame. As a result of her recent radical religious conversion, Vi feels the need to come clean to Willie. She tells her that she is not the product of an orgy-istic time in San Francisco. In fact, Willie’s father is alive and well in Templeton. He never knew of her existence. When Willie asks who he is, Vi refuses to tell her. She provides only a single clue: he, just like Willie and Vi, is related to Marmaduke Temple, the father of Templeton. It was as if Vi through down the gauntlet. Willie, no matter how down her current circumstances have made her, cannot sit still having this mystery hanging around her. Her archaeological dig through her family’s past proves to be an enchanting and humorous adventure.

I don’t want to give away many details in this review. I enjoyed uncovering things along the way with Willie. I will say (that just about everything else recently in my life) that there was a strong connection for me between Vi and Glinda, the Good Witch of the North. Both characters hold an important truth that could very easily be given to the young woman in need: Willie needs to know who her father is and Dorothy needs to know how to get back to Kansas. If this information was simply handed over, what would have happened? Neither Willie nor Dorothy would never grasped or appreciated the importance of family in their souls. In that way, what both characters needed was the discovery as much as the truth. Given that Glinda is traditionally played by the same actress as Auntie Em, it seems that teaching a child to learn for herself is the mark of the best mother/mother figure.

The Monsters of Templeton is mainly narrated by Willie, but there are also sections narrated by The Running Buds, Templeton’s jogging protectors, and several of Willie’s ancestors. I found myself drawn into the genealogical research myself. The pictures, portraits, and family trees along the way also made me feel included. Just as with Special Topics in Calamity Physics, they enhance the experience and do not feel out of place.

One of the best things about reading this book was the humor. There were several times I found myself chuckling out loud while I was reading. I don’t do that very often. It was this humor that endeared the book and its characters to me. Perhaps it was because I am of a similar age to Willie’s character that I found the sarcasm and smack talk genuine. It is such a pleasure to read a book that is both interesting and fun.

** Thank you Barnes and Noble for providing me with an Advance Reading Copy of this book. Your First Look Book Club is an incredible opportunity. **


To buy this novel, click here.

#36 ~ A Spot of Bother

August 16, 2007 at 4:30 pm | Posted in Books, British Comedy, Culture, Film, LIfe, My Life with Books, Reading, Sexual Identity | 3 Comments
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A Spot of Bother by Mark Haddon

As I was reading this, book I kept wondering to myself why it is that I don’t care for British comedies in film. A British comedy in writing just cracks me up. While I’m sure that I miss many things simply from not being British, a cussing Brit in print makes me smile every time. That happened a lot in this book. Once again, Mark Haddon has written an entirely enjoyable novel that, for me, inspired more than a couple moments of serious and honest introspection.

This novel tells the story of four members of a single family. They are often at odds with each other, but that is mainly because they aren’t sure of who they are or what they want in life. As the family comes together to plan a wedding, all hell breaks loose.

George, the patriarch, is a man who has recently entered his retirement years. While he’s building a studio within which he intends to return to drawing, his life is not tranquil or full of purpose for him. He experiences panic attacks without knowing what they are and fears that he is going insane. Nearly every time he looks at his body he finds cancer. He is settled in his life with Jean, his wife. He does not much care for his daughter’s fiance, but he’s even more disconcerted about his son being a homosexual.

Jean, one of the last generations of women who more often than not made their careers their families, is struggling with her once empty nest once again being populated by her husband. She questions the choices she’d made in her life and is in the middle of a extramarital affair with David, one of George’s ex-colleagues. She is at once happy to be doing something that makes her feel good about herself and terribly guilty over betraying a good, if not boring, husband. She continuously clashes with her daughter while trying to hide her distaste for her future son-in-law. When not arguing with Katie, is wondering how she can accept her son’s lover with open arms while, at the same time, disallow them from sleeping together in her house.

Katie is a single mother to Jacob. Jacob’s father was the love of Katie’s life, but he left her not long into their marriage. In search of stability, she agreed to marry Ray, her live-in boyfriend. Ray, while not as intelligent as she or her family, has a good job, makes great money, loves Jacob as if he was his own, and makes her feel safe and cherished. The trouble is that she’s not sure that she loves him.

Jaime is a successful real estate agent who, while opening gay, has a difficult time with commitment in as much as it requires him to give up control over his life and belongings. He enjoys his relationship with Tony, but he really does not want to bring him to his sister’s wedding. He claims that he doesn’t want Tony to have to deal with his crazy family. The truth is closer to the fact that he does not want to put up with the additional hassle of being an open homosexual with a lover at his side. As much as he is weary of having to justify his life to his family, he believes that his sister is making a grave error and wishes he could pummel some sense into her.

As this family anticipates a wedding that is just as likely to be like an erupting volcano, they are each trying to hide and fix their own problems at the same time. The chaos that engulfs them engulfed me as well. There were aspects of each of their stories that struck a chord with me. Most significantly was reading about George’s panic attacks from his perspective. Don’t get me wrong. Those scenes are written with love, but with humor as well. Still, hearing him say that he couldn’t talk to anyone about what was happening hit me square in the chest. There isn’t anyone you can talk to. When you finally work up the courage to say something, you can see/hear people turn themselves on power saver mode.

I am so happy that I read A Spot of Bother. It’s not often that you find a fun book with a great sense of humor that settles deeper inside of you to be worked out later.

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